MSC, leading carrier of Ecuadorian cocoa beans at the IV Cumbre del cacao

The event took place in Guayaquil from 29th to 31st August and brought together stakeholders of cocoa production, modernization, commercialization and industrialization.
It attracted 76 local exporters and 23 buyers from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA.
In Ecuador, 2016 was marked by poor weather conditions, which had meant a negative impact on export volumes of cocoa beans. During the summit, MSC had the opportunity to discuss this particular issue with producers and retailers, as well as learn more about their expectations and global transport requirements.
At MSC, we provide tailor-made end-to-end solutions such as warehousing, stuffing and trucking services.
During ‘peak season’, our new area of consolidation prevents congestion outside the terminal. We aim to continuously improve our services and are using enhanced humidity absorbers to protect the cocoa bags from being damaged by moisture. Our objective is to preserve the cargo from the moment it is loaded until its final destination.
For more information, please contact your local MSC office.