Transpacfic Services Update - Amberjack & Emerald


Transpacfic Services Update - Amberjack & Emerald


Starting in May, the Amberjack service will operate on the following rotation, connecting south and central China and South Korea to the U.S. east coast:

Qingdao – Ningbo – Shanghai – Busan – Panama Canal – Kingston – Charleston – Savannah – Norfolk – Kingston – Panama Canal – Busan – Qingdao

Calls at Jacksonville and Wilmington will be removed and switched to the Emerald service (see below), starting with the vessel MOUNT EVEREST, ETA Qingdao on 6 May.

Also from May, the Emerald service will follow a new rotation, removing Norfolk, but adding Jacksonville and Wilmington to compensate for the removal of these ports on the Amberjack service:

Xiamen – Yantian – Shanghai – Busan – Panama Canal – Cristobal – Savannah – Jacksonville – Wilmington – New York – Suez Canal

Should you have any questions, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of 675 offices.

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company