Rotation Change - Asia to North Europe Service
As part of our continuous efforts to satisfy market demand and offer competitive transit times between Asia and the North Europe and Scanbaltic regions, MSC is revising the rotation of its Swan Service.
The new rotation will now include the Port of Felixstowe, providing a fast, direct route between Yantian and the UK and will continue to include the Polish ports of Gdansk and Gdynia as before.
The updated rotation will be effective from the sailing of vessel MV MIRELLA V, voyage number 336, with an expected ETA in Ningbo of 5 September and will be as follows:
Ningbo – Yantian – Suez – Felixstowe – Gdansk – Gdynia – Bremerhaven – Suez – King Abdullah – Ningbo
The Port of Antwerp will continue to offer rapid transit times from Asia via the Lion Service.
Transit times will be Ningbo to Felixstowe in 27 days, Gdansk in 31 days and Gdynia in 32 days, and Yantian to Felixstowe in 24 days, Gdansk in 28 days and Gdynia in 29 days.
If you wish to learn more, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of 675 offices.