
Connecting Estonia to the world

MSC has been offering reliable and efficient shipping services to and from Estonia since 1998.  
Our dedicated local team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your cargo has a safe and smooth journey, from loading to delivery. 

Contact our  team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services

معلومات المكاتب المحلية

SOLAS VGM information for Estonia

What is VGM? 

Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified. 

Government approval status 

  • Estonian Maritime Administration is in charge of implementing VGM according to SOLAS requirements.
  • Providing VGM for MSC ESTONIA is MANDATORY. Without VGM it is forbidden to load container onto a vessel. 
  • Acceptable tolerance of VGM deviation is +/- 5 % of cargo weight but not more than 1000 KG 


 What to include in your VGM instructions

The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions 

  • Booking or Bill of Lading number 
  • Container number 
  • VGM + unit 
  • Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers) 
  • Responsible party Name
  • VGM date 


 How to submit your VGM instructions 

  • myMSC 
  • Terminal’s Cone portal by registering electronic visit 
  • EDI (via INTTRA; GT NEXUS; Cargo Smart)
  • Shipping instruction signed 


Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions 

MSC Estonia must receive VGM by the end of the VGM closing time of each feeder vessel. VGM closing time deadline mentioned on the booking confirmation. 


Admin Fees and costs 

  • Any costs related to customer’s failure to provide VGM data within specified deadlines (including but not limited to port storage, demurrage, and container moves) will be for the account of customer. 
  • Terminal is able to provide the chargeable check-weighing or weighing service for all loaded containers arriving into terminal. 

Basic rates for weighing service are: 

  • Weighing service ordered prior Gate In of the container – 35 €/container 
  • Weighing service ordered then container already on Yard Delivery of order 24 h before the vessel arrival – 100 €/container. 


Possible additional costs regarding VGM input: 

  • Manual VGM Submission Fee (When VGM info is sent to us by e-mail and requires our manual handling): EUR 10/cntr 
  • Late VGM Submission Fee (when VGM is submitted to us after cut-off time but earlier than 12 hours before vessel arrival): EUR 50/cntr. 
  • VGM Misdeclaration Fee (When discrepancy between VGM and real cargo weight is beyond the tolerance set out by local authorities at port of loading - in Estonia 5% of cargo weight but not exceeding 1000 kg): EUR 150/cntr. 
  • Penalty for Overweight (When shipper or responsible person has presented incorrect VGM and real cargo weight is exceeding the maximum container payload. The Shipper is also responsible for additional reloading costs for weight correction and storage/demurrage costs): EUR 350/cntr. 


MSC EESTI AS should be informed in advance about the appointment of 3rd parties to provide the VGM. 


Questions about VGM? 

Contact our Estonian team.

Prohibited cargo


  • Meat and milk and any items thereof from non-EU countries with the exception of limited amounts from Andorra, Croatia, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and small amounts of specific products from other nations 
  • Protected species and products thereof as listed by the CITES (Washington Convention) e.g. ivory, tortoise shell, coral, reptile skin, wood from Amazonian forests

Though the above items are the only ones prohibited, there are a number of goods that are heavily restricted. For more information, see the links below. 



  • Illegal drugs 
  • Pornographic or offensive materials 
  • Knives, daggers and other illegal and dangerous weapons 
  • Pirate and counterfeit goods
  • Restrictions exist on exporting antiquities and valuable artefacts, wild animals and plants threatened with extinction 


For full details of prohibited cargo in Estonia please visit the following site: Estonian Customs: Regulations, Export-Import Procedures by Customs of Estonia (


تحميل البضائع

تقع مرافق مناولة البضائع في MSC في موقع استراتيجي لضمان التحميل الفعال وفي الوقت المناسب للبضائع للتصدير والاستيراد. كما نقدم خدمات تجميع البضائع وتحميلها وإعادة تحميلها وتغليفها وتفريغها وتحميلها من الحاويات إلى الشاحنات.
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وزن الحاوية (الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها)

توفر جميع مكاتب MSC المحلية موازين معتمدة لتسجيل والتحقق من وزن الحاوية (الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها أو VGM) بما يتماشى مع لوائح سلامة الأرواح في البحر (SOLAS). تُعد تعليمات الكتلة الإجمالية التي تم التحقق منها إلزامية لجميع الشحنات لأسباب تتعلق بالسلامة ولا يمكن لمشغلي السفن تحميل حاوية إلا إذا تم التحقق من وزنها بشكل مناسب. اتصل بفريق MSC المحلي للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات والدعم.
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Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.

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