

自 1980 年代初以来,MSC 一直在帮助客户将货物运往和运出荷兰。 如今,拥有 60 多项服务连接所有全球航线,MSC 荷兰每年运送的货物远超 100 万标准箱。

MSC 荷兰在鹿特丹经营 4 个码头,在安特卫普经营专门的 MSC 码头,在 MSC Cargo 部门和 MEDLOG 拥有 425 名员工。

Contact our  team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services


Top-Quality Fumigation Services

Introducing our enhanced fumigation service, now seamlessly integrated with our carrier haulage solution to optimize your supply chain and save you valuable time. With this service, containers can be conveniently dropped off at our inland depots or picked up directly from your location for fumigation en route to the Deepsea terminal. Once treated, your cargo will resume its journey without delay, ensuring a smooth and efficient path to its destination.

Mandatory Pre-Registration at Medrepair 

Why digitalise? 
Increase efficiency and decrease delays and traffic jams at Waalhaven area.   
- PRE-REGISTER - Pre-register via https://medrepair.medlog.be/ 
- ENTER PRE-NOTIFICATION - Start registration process by registering your pre-notification 
- ADD PICK-UP / DROP-OFF - Enter details of the container you are picking up or dropping off 
- SAVE PRE-NOTIFICATION – A barcode will appear on screen and pre-notification will be sent to you by email 
- READY - Your container is ready to be picked up or dropped off 

Demurrage, Storage, Plug In and YOC charges in the Netherlands

What is demurrage?
Demurrage is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s container. This charge is applicable for both inside the marine terminal, inland depot, railroad facilities or container yard and while with the customer.

What is storage?
A storage charge is applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the marine terminal, inland depot, the rail ramp or container yard (for the use of the land).

What is plug in?
The plug in charge is applicable, after free time expires, for temperature operating containers inside the marine terminal, inland depot, the rail ramp or container yard.
This charge covers both the plugging, unplugging, monitoring and usage of electricity of the temperature operating container.

What is YOC?
Yard Occupancy Charge (YOC) is a one off charge at the marine terminals charged on the 13th day of dwelling after discharge.
This charge is a longstanding fee and will be charged only for import containers.

All of the aforementioned charges can also apply while the container is undergoing customs inspections, or while the cargo inside the container is being reworked for safety reasons.

If (an) import container(s) is/are on quay for over 20 days, we may block the container and request for immediate payment of aforementioned charges before unblocking the container.

In case of a dispute of one of the aforementioned charges, please write the reason of disputing as well as the invoice numbers to both of the following addresses:

NL356-bxrtm.debiteurenadm@msc.com ; NL356-bxrtm.demurragedisputes@msc.com

Questions about demurrage, storage, plug in or YOC charges?

For questions or tariff sheets please contact our Netherlands team.

SOLAS VGM information for The Netherlands

Government approval status

• The government will check the procedures and will certify the methods used.

• The “Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport - (ILT)” will be responsible for enforcement and implementation of the VGM regulation within the Netherlands.

• More info

What to include in your VGM instructions

The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions

• Booking or Bill of Lading number

• Container number

• VGM + unit

• Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers)

• Responsible party Name


How to submit your VGM instructions

• myMSC

• Manually (INTTRA, GT NEXUS, Certiweight or any other)

• Direct communication (only UN/EDIFACT VERMAS supported)

• Email/Fax

Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions

• VGM must be submitted to the ship-agent ultimately 24hours before physical closing of the vessel. The VGM cut-off date will be mentioned on the booking confirmation.

• If the VGM is not timely submitted, the container will not be planned/loaded on the vessel.



• Containers arriving at the gate without VGM will be allowed at the terminal, however not loaded when VGM not provided in time. Please be aware that the terminal has no weighing facilities.

• Manual methods of submission (email or fax) will be accepted but strongly discouraged and charged with a fee. Preferred methods are the established digital channels to avoid delays and documentation errors.

Contact information


Customer service desk - Your local MSC contact

• email: nl356-exportexecution@msc.com

• Phone: +31 10 217 86 00

Import local requirements The Netherlands

The Goods carried must be taken receipt of by the party having title hereto without delay at the Port of Discharge or Place of final destination, as the case may be. If Goods are not taken receipt of, the Carrier shall be at liberty at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant to put the Goods in safe custody.

A secured electronic release can be arranged only with a written request at the risk and account of the Receivers. Import handling fee and other local charges are applicable per Bill of Lading. In addition, any other outstanding charges related to the shipment needs to be paid as well in full before MSC will release the shipment.

Empty MSC containers (including similar articles to consolidate Goods) must be re-delivered in clean and good condition and free of odors, using the elsewhere mentioned re-delivery reference. Failing to do this, the Merchant is liable for all damages or expenses incurred in this respect.

Container demurrage, and/or quay hire to be paid prior release of Containers. The applicable tariff will be communicated at fist request.


Value added services:

Inland Transport: all modalities available on request, but subject to acceptance

Customs formalities:

Clearance, custom transit docs is available on request but subject to acceptance

Custom documents only in combination with inland transport



Invoices can be requested only by email to the correct department(s) see contact details.

Import Contact details:

















PAYABLE ELSEWHERE ROTTERDAM (shipments with POD in the Northwest Continent (excl Rotterdam) from all trades that are payable in Rotterdam):



MSC Import Summary Declaration to Customs:


MSC Import Summary Declaration to Customs of cargo arriving on deep sea terminal is done via the Port community system of Rotterdam named Portbase.


We refer to MSC BL/SWB Terms and Condition for your rights and obligations as a MSC customer.


The scope of MSC NL Legal & Claims department is:

- Survey invitations for potential claims

- Regular cargo claims (reefer and dry containers)

- Incidents with financial consequences/loss

- Error and Omissions caused by MSC NL

- Loss BL incidents

- Legal and Claims related advises

For any questions or to lodge a claim with MSC Netherlands, you can contact the Legal & Claims department via following email-address:

Our Offering in The Netherlands

At MSC, we believe that global success depends on local solutions and local expertise. Discover our complete range of services to support customers shipping to or from the Netherlands

· Nationwide door-to-door delivery

To simplify your supply chain, we offer truck services via MEDLOG and third-party vendors. Here we can find tailor-made solutions across modalities such as truck, barge & rail
· Supply chain management 

At MSC we offer a variety of services that fall under qualified supply chain management through in the form of storage, lashing & securing and expert services such as customs, fiscal representation, and insurances. 

· Customs brokerage

Our goal as MSC and MEDLOG is to assist customers in a complex logistics world by providing a first-class Customs solution focused on cost (duty) reductions and compliancy.

Our dedicated focus is to deliver high standard service level toward customers, especially because we understand that the complexity of customs procedures and formalities can have a knock-on effect within our customers’ core business. 

We invite you to speak to your local representatives for more information and to find out how we can simplify Customs for your business.


LOI (Letter of indemnity) for lost or destroyed OBLs (Original Bills of Lading)

What is an LOI?

An LOI (Letter of Indemnity) is required when an original Bill of Lading is lost or destroyed. It can be completed by shipper at the Port of Loading, or by the consignee at the Port of Discharge.

MSC’s global LOI requirements are set out by our Geneva headquarters. The LOI must be completed as per these instructions in order for a duplicate Bill of Lading to be issued.


Questions about LOI?

Contact our Claims team through NL356-bxrtm.claims@msc.com and herewith please find the LOI form.

How to get an online Freight Quotation

Getting a personal freight quote and Booking directly with the shipping line has become ever more simple with MYMSC.

This is a guide to understand how to get a freight quotation and book your import or export container online.

As Importing or Exporting party there are a few decisions to make around your logistics:
1-   Will the importer or exporter get an ocean freight quote and book the cargo
2-   Does one book directly with the shipping line or container carrier against using a freight forwarder or digital forwarder
3-   Will this be just an ocean freight quote or will one book an intermodal solution, so from and to door, ramp or port.

Container carriers taken up on the demand around booking online is serviced directly by the container carrier instead of making use of a (digital) freight forwarder, which on it's turn book the cargo with the same shipping line. 

MSC has launched MYMSC.COM which walks you through all necessary steps to get your container loaded aboard a ship, including container tracking once loaded.

Step by step, MYMSC will guide you through the following modules:

1- Instant Quote - quick quotes 24/7
2- Documentation - your booking confirmations, Non-negotionable B/L, Arrival Notices, Invoices, Draft B/L & AMS Declaration status
3- SOLAS VGM - all steps to comply with timely VGM submission
4- Ebusiness - From Online Shipping instructions & additional services to Draft B/L Approval
5- Dashboard – status overview and notifications of quotes and shipments
6 Tracking & Vessel information – track shipments by B/L, schedules and cut-off’s and Customs Release Status

All in all today’s container shipping is a lot more transparent in comparison to the past especially considering that all operational schedules, deadlines and cut-offs are accessible online 24/7.


How to find the best Intermodal Solution for my cargo?

How to explore a logistics companies’ network capabilities and find the best fit for your supply chain. 

MSC, being the world’s biggest shipping line, has a global logistics network which extends from all corners of the world meaning that there is always a transport solution and container depot next to your warehouse, factory, or store. 

To best consider the optimal supply-chain for your import or export 20’, 40’ or 45’ container there are a few considerations to make around geography, what intermodal modalities to select next to your short-sea or deepsea transportation and whether to book ocean transport separate from intermodal transport. 

In the Netherlands alone MSC deploys 15 container depots which are centered around multimodal transport, meaning truck, barge or rail, all offering multiple weekly or even daily sailings to the main ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Flushing. 

We offer tailormade solutions for inland transport combining rail or barge with last-mile trucking, where maximum transit time is around 3 days from discharge in one of the main ports to final destination. 

Rail to Venlo goes by a transit time of 2 days whilst trucking goes by a transit time of 1 day meaning loading and delivery are within the same day.

One point to take into consideration is around free-time, demurrage, and detention aside from the geographical journey of your cargo.

Hence, an intermodal solution booked directly with the shipping line in will make free-time and detention significantly more carefree as the complete pre-carriage plan is within control of the shipping line and therefore free-time on export is less of a factor, especially in combination with one of our container depots always close by. 

Search MYMSC.com online 24/7 schedule information or contact one of our local MSC representatives for a quote. 


How to get an online Freight Quotation?

Getting a personal freight quote and Booking directly with the shipping line has become ever more simple with MYMSC.

This is a guide to understand how to get a freight quotation and book your import or export container online.

As Importing or Exporting party there are a few decisions to make around your logistics:
1-   Will the importer or exporter get an ocean freight quote and book the cargo
2-   Does one book directly with the shipping line or container carrier against using a freight forwarder or digital forwarder
3-   Will this be just an ocean freight quote or will one book an intermodal solution, so from and to door, ramp or port.

Container carriers taken up on the demand around booking online is serviced directly by the container carrier instead of making use of a (digital) freight forwarder, which on it's turn book the cargo with the same shipping line. 

MSC has launched MYMSC.COM which walks you through all necessary steps to get your container loaded aboard a ship, including container tracking once loaded.

Step by step, MYMSC will guide you through the following modules:

1- Instant Quote - quick quotes 24/7
2- Documentation - your booking confirmations, Non-negotionable B/L, Arrival Notices, Invoices, Draft B/L & AMS Declaration status
3- SOLAS VGM - all steps to comply with timely VGM submission
4- Ebusiness - From Online Shipping instructions & additional services to Draft B/L Approval
5- Dashboard – status overview and notifications of quotes and shipments
6 Tracking & Vessel information – track shipments by B/L, schedules and cut-off’s and Customs Release Status

All in all today’s container shipping is a lot more transparent in comparison to the past especially considering that all operational schedules, deadlines and cut-offs are accessible online 24/7.


After hours contacts

At MSC, we strive to answer all possible queries that may come up during business hours to help you navigate the different stages across the cargo's journey. 

For urgent matters outside of business hours we have dedicated desks with 24/7 reach to make sure there is always someone to help you on your way. 


Department Surname First Name Phone Number E-mail
 Barge / Intermodal On duty    +31 10 2178750 NL356-bargeplanning@msc.com
Logistics Empty Containers  On duty    +31 10 217 8724  NL356-contlog@msc.com
 Import Release  Arnold Nico +31 6 53147405 Nico.arnold@msc.com
 Operations Captain's Room & Cargo Ops  On duty   +31 10 2178006 NL356-captainsroom@msc.com;


For Trade related matters that are less urgent please contact your local MSC representative.


MSC 的货物装卸设施地理位置优越,可确保高效且及时地装载进出口货物。我们还提供从集装箱到卡车的货物拼箱、装载和重新装载、包装、拆箱和交叉装载服务。

集装箱称重 (VGM)

所有 MSC 当地办事处均提供经过认证的秤,以根据海上人命安全公约 (SOLAS) 规定记录和验证集装箱重量(经验证的总质量或 VGM)。出于安全原因,所有货物都必须有 VGM 说明,并且船舶运营商只有在集装箱重量获得适当验证的情况下才能装载集装箱。请联系您当地的 MSC 团队以获取更多信息和支持。


Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.


最后更新时间: 2025-02-12T21:34:00