MSC Supports First Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference in Geneva


MSC Supports First Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference in Geneva


MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) is the lead sponsor for the inaugural Maritime Transport Efficiency (MTE) Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on 5-6 October 2020, highlighting sustainability in the Swiss maritime sector at this important new event in the company’s home city.

MTE Conference aims to promote positive momentum around sustainability issues in the maritime industry, bringing together leading players in research, technology and innovation, as well shipping companies. The focus will be on current practices around efficiency and big ideas for the future around environmental performance and the use of alternative fuels and technologies.

Headquartered in Switzerland since 1978, MSC employs more than 1100 people in Geneva and plays a major role in the city’s economy and society, as an employer and as a regular participant in the sailing regatta circuit on Lake Geneva.

“As a responsible company with a longstanding passion for the sea, we are proud of our role in facilitating global trade, connecting people and goods, and of our efforts to do all this in a sustainable way,” said Bud Darr, Executive Vice President Maritime Policy & Government Affairs at MSC Group, who leads the MSC speaker delegation at the event, including a keynote presentation: How does one of the world’s leading shipping company decarbonise its fleet. Concrete solutions implemented by MSC.

Conference participants will be able to learn more about MSC, its modern, efficient fleet, and its approach to decarbonisation by attending Bud’s presentation, or by meeting with the MSC delegation at an exhibition stand featuring a model of the 23,756 TEU MSC SAMAR, a virtual tour of a Gülsün Class ship and the company’s latest Sustainability Report, accessibly via QR code.

The conference was set up for ship operators, as well as technology developers, governing bodies, students and NGOs, and will feature representatives of the Geneva government, the UN Conference on Trade and Development and a variety of key local economic and maritime actors.

The event is taking place with the support of the government and with the implementation of very strict health and sanitation measures to mitigate the spread of COVID.