MSC Receives Highest Award for Work to Protect Whales in the U.S
From left to right: Valerian Riviere and Stan Kwiaton, MSC port operations managers have collected the award on behalf of MSC at a ceremony on March 6th.
MSC is grateful to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for presenting it with the highest award of any shipping line participating in a vessel speed-reduction programme organised by to protect whales.
The project aims to improve air quality, reduce risk of fatal whale strikes and protect whales within National Marine Sanctuaries. Award recipients have set an industry example by voluntarily reducing vessel speeds in areas where endangered whale species regularly feed.
The NOAA awarded MSC with Sapphire Level for both areas in the programme, Santa Barbara Channel and San Francisco Bay Area, in 2018.
It follows a previous award for protecting whales in the area, received last year: read more