MSC Launches Two New Services for Intra-Asia Network
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company continues to expand and enhance its intra-Asia network with two new services, beginning mid-October 2019.
We are bringing new capacity into the market at a time when customers are showing increasing demand for new services to move cargo between key locations in Asia.
The Orchid service and Lang Co Express service will bring six vessels into our intra-Asia network, offering comprehensive port coverage and competitive transit times between Greater China, Vietnam, Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas.
Our new services will link seamlessly to our other intra-Asia services and to our global ocean liner network, as well as to our overland and barge services within southeast Asia.
The first voyages on the Orchid service will be:
MSC MANU – voyage number: HD 939R
ETD Hong Kong 8 October
BOMAR ROSSI – voyage number HD 941R
ETD Singapore 12 October
The first voyage on the Lang Co Express will be:
SPIRIT OF KOLKATA – voyage number: HZ941A
ETD Singapore 12 October