MSC Upgrades ScanBaltic to USA Service


MSC Upgrades ScanBaltic to USA Service


MSC is pleased to announce the enhancement of its ScanBaltic to USA service which directly connects the Northwest continent and USA markets. The new rotation will encompass fortnightly calls at Jacksonville, offering extensive direct coverage for our NWC and USA customers. 

The service connects with MSCs extensive European short sea and intermodal network and enhances support for the food and beverage, automotive and forestry industries across the ScanBaltic and USA. 

The new rotation will be as follows:

Klaipeda – Gdynia – Goteborg – Bremerhaven – Felixstowe – Antwerp – Le Havre – New York – Philadelphia – Norfolk – Jacksonville – Klaipeda.


Transit times will be Klaipeda to Jacksonville in 29 days, Bremerhaven to Jacksonville in 21 days and Le Havre to Jacksonville in 17 days.

The first vessel on the new rotation will be MSC OLIA voyage number 312A due to arrive in Jacksonville 25 April 2023.

Should you have any questions, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of more than 675 offices