MSC Joins Hydrogen Council to Collaborate on Decarbonisation
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company announced it has joined the Hydrogen Council, a global industry body, as a steering member to foster cross-sector collaboration that will accelerate R&D related to clean hydrogen derived fuels and solutions.
The initiative is part of MSC’s wider approach to decarbonisation which has already seen the company pioneer the use of biofuels as a blended marine fuel and now sees MSC work with others to advance the exploration viability of hydrogen and fuels derived from it as potentially viable fuel sources for container shipping.
“MSC is actively engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to accelerate the development of clean hydrogen fuels for shipping. The future of shipping and decarbonisation will rely on strong partnerships from both the perspective of technology collaboration and procurement. There must be a massive injection of energy and capital into R&D efforts to bring alternative fuels and alternative propulsion technologies to the marketplace to decarbonise all industries in the longer term. Initiatives such as the Hydrogen Council provide just the right platform to accelerate R&D, as well as to facilitate cross-industry collaboration,” said Bud Darr, Executive Vice President, Maritime Policy & Government Affairs, MSC Group.
The Hydrogen Council is a global CEO-led initiative that brings together leading companies with a united vision and long-term ambition for hydrogen to foster the clean energy transition. MSC is delighted to join this global coalition committed to accelerating the transition into a zero-carbon future.
Industry partnerships are needed to accelerate the development of clean hydrogen and fuels derived from it for the benefit of the entire container shipping industry. MSC contributes actively to the work of industry groups and associations, as well as initiatives such as the Hydrogen Council to facilitate cross-sector information sharing.