MSC's Commitment to Preventing Pollution from Plastic Pellets


MSC's Commitment to Preventing Pollution from Plastic Pellets


A growing concern for marine, coastal and land-based ecosystems is the abundance of microplastics in the world’s oceans. If plastic pellets are accidentally released during transport – such as in the event of a shipping container being lost overboard – these small granules, also known as nurdles, cause pollution in the oceans, rivers and along coastlines and impact fishing, aquaculture and tourism. They can also pose a threat to wildlife, as they can be mistaken for food by birds, fish and other marine species.

As a global leader in shipping and logistics, MSC is committed to addressing this issue. As a signatory of the Sustainable Ocean Principles and in line with our commitments to protect marine ecosystems, we seek to secure the health of our oceans by taking proactive steps to minimize the pollution risk posed by plastic pellets.


Marine plastic litter on the agenda at IMO

MSC supports the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Strategy to Address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships, which aims for zero plastic waste discharges by 2025.

At last week’s meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) marine litter from ships was on the agenda, with discussions focusing on the development of mandatory requirements aimed at reducing the environmental risks associated with the carriage of plastic pellets in freight containers, which MSC supports. During the meeting, guidelines on good practice relating to the clean-up of plastic pellets from ships were also approved by the IMO – a step forward in the global fight against plastic pollution.


Ensuring the proper stowage and transport of plastic pellets

MSC has adopted voluntary measures to ensure the proper stowage and transport of plastic pellets in accordance with the IMO-approved Recommendations for the Carriage of Plastic Pellets by Sea in Freight Containers.

We properly stow and secure containers loaded with plastic pellets on MSC vessels to prevent any incidents potentially impacting marine and coastal environments, while minimizing risks associated with difficult weather conditions that could cause container loss. Specifically, containers loaded with plastic pellets are stowed under deck wherever reasonably practicable, or inboard in sheltered areas of exposed decks.


Finding sustainable solutions to the plastic challenge, together

Additionally, MSC is proud to partner with initiatives such as TopTier, a multi-stakeholder effort aimed at improving the transport, stowing and securing of containers. We were the first shipping company in the world to implement DNV’s Anti-Roll Assist System for Containerships (ARCS) across 100 of our vessels. This allows MSC captains to predict and reduce the risk of container loss due to challenging weather conditions.

As a member of the World Shipping Council, we work closely with industry peers on collective positions and practical measures for adoption by carriers, such as the classification of plastic pellets as hazardous substances.

MSC remains dedicated to joining forces to prevent plastic pollution and safeguarding our marine environment for future generations.


Find out more:

Read about MSC’s sustainability commitments

Download the latest MSC Sustainability Report 

Learn about IMO and plastic pellets