Thank You for Visiting Us at Fruit Logistica 2019 in Berlin

The MSC stand was busy throughout with customers and other interested parties. Over the three days, we welcomed more than 200 visitors to the lounge each day and an average of 60 meetings each day. A total 96 MSC colleagues from 27 countries were at the booth, making the event a truly international occasion for meeting with specialist shippers of perishable goods.
More customer interaction and enhanced brand experience
The MSC stand was much bigger than last year, with the additional space providing more time for individual meetings.
“The enhanced booth allowed for even better interaction with customers, and the attendance from target clients was even higher than previously.” said Nils Kahn, Chief Commercial Office of MSC Germany, the host nation for this event. “It is clear there is strong tendency towards even more containerized fruit shipments, which will help bring a broader variety of fresh produce to markets all over the world.” he added.
A video wall gave clients a deeper impression of MSC’s fruit expertise and services, while an interactive social media wall attracted posts from people at the stand, those passing by and MSC colleagues around the world. Customers clearly enjoyed the experience.
“Fruit Logistica is and remains the biggest fruit fair in the world and it’s good to meet all the experts of MSC, to have a chat and a good coffee,” said Mike Port of Port International, one of Europe’s leading fruit importers.
“With MSC, we have found the right partner. We are a specialist in global logistics for fruit and vegetables, and so we have grown together,” added José Miñana Llerena, Sales Manager for El Mosca.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in Fruit Logistica in Berlin.
Now have a look at our dedicated Fruit Logistica page to see more photos and video of the event, and come and meet us again at Asia Fruit Logistica, 4-6 September 2019.