MSC Enhances Intra-Asia Network


MSC Enhances Intra-Asia Network


MSC continues to expand and enhance its Intra-Asia network to provide our customers with new direct connections, as well as improved transit-time and increased capacity. These upgraded services will come into effect in June 2023.

As part of our latest revamp of the network, the upgrades and first sailings will be as follows:

Seagull - MSC SAGITTA III HU323A, ETA Shanghai 6 June
Improved to directly connect central China with Indonesia, as well as Vietnam and Thailand with Shekou, offering competitive transit time.

• Seahorse - MSC ELIZABETH III HO322A, ETA Shanghai 1 June
Upgraded to provide direct connection from central China to Thailand and Malaysia with competitive transit time.

• Dolphin - MSC VAIGA III HV322A, ETA Busan 31 May
Increased coverage to directly connect North China with Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as Southeast Asia with Korea and North China.

• Pertiwi - MSC SOPHIE HW322A, ETA Busan 2 June
Upgraded to provide improved capacity with the additional call of Da Chan Bay.

• Kaguya - MSC JASMINE HG326A, ETA Shimizu 27 June
Enhanced with direct and fast connection from Central China to the main Vietnamese ports, with competitive proforma transit time of 6 days. The upgraded service will also directly connect Vietnam and Thailand to The Philippines in 6 days as well as additional coverage from The Philippines with Japan.

• Lang Co - MSC TIPHAINE II HZ323A, ETA Qui Nhon 6 June
For the very first time, MSC will be calling at Batangas and will directly connect The Philippines and South China with competitive transit time. The improved service will also offer direct connection from Indonesia to The Philippines.

• Orchid - MSC GRETA III HD322A, ETA Fuzhou 1 June
New direct call from South China and Vietnam to Penang and Pasir Gudang.

• Bengal - HANSA LANKA SX322A, ETA Belawan 3 June
New direct connection with Belawan, Indonesia’s busiest seaport outside of Java.

• Burma - MSC ANDREA F SB323A, ETA Belawan 6 June
New direct connection with Belawan, on top of providing enhanced import and export capacity.

• Golden Horn - MSC KYMEA II HX323A, ETA Hakata 6 June
New direct call at Hakata.

These enhancements to our Intra-Asia network offer direct connections and comprehensive port coverage, while maintaining competitive transit times for long-haul cargo.

Please read on below for the full rotations:

Seagull service
Shanghai – Ningbo – Xiamen – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Jakarta – Port Klang – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Laem Chabang – Vung Tau – Shekou – Shanghai

Seahorse service
Shanghai – Ningbo – Laem Chabang – Port Klang – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Surabaya – Jakarta – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Qinzhou – Hong Kong – Shanghai

Dolphin service
Qingdao – Dalian – Xingang – Shekou – Port Klang – Tanjung Pelepas – Singapore – Semarang – Surabaya – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Vung Tau – Busan – Qingdao

Pertiwi service
Busan – Dalian – Xingang – Incheon – Qingdao – Da Chan Bay – Vung Tau – Laem Chabang – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Panjang – Jakarta – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Busan

Kaguya service
Shimizu – Tokyo – Osaka – Kobe – Hakata – Busan – Shanghai – Ningbo – Haiphong – Ho Chi Minh – Laem Chabang – Manila – Busan – Shimizu

Lang Co Service
Qui Nhon – Da Nang – Yantian – Shekou – Ho Chi Minh – Vung Tau – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Port Klang – Jakarta – Batangas – Manila – Nansha – Shekou – Qui Nhon

Orchid service
Fuzhou – Shantou – Hong Kong – Shekou – Yantian – Haiphong – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Penang – Pasir Gudang – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Haiphong – Hong Kong – Fuzhou

Bengal service
Belawan – Tanjung Pelepas – Singapore – Chattogram – Tanjung Pelepas – Singapore – Belawan

Burma service
Belawan – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Yangon – Singapore – Tanjung Pelepas – Belawan

Golden Horn service
Hakata – Busan – Vladivostok – Busan – Hakata

Meanwhile, the Origami service continues to directly connect Japan and Korea with Southeast Asia, and The Philippines with Korea and Japan.

Origami service
Tokyo – Yokohama – Yokkaichi – Nagoya – Busan – Vung Tau – Tanjung Pelepas – Singapore – Subic – Manila – Kaohsiung – Busan – Tokyo

If you wish to learn more about the revamped Intra-Asia network, please contact your local MSC representatives in our global network of 675 offices.