MSC New Service between East Coast South America & U.S. Mexican Gulf means faster transit times for customers


MSC New Service between East Coast South America & U.S. Mexican Gulf means faster transit times for customers


Geneva, Switzerland, 15 June 2015. We are pleased to announce improvements to MSC’s East Coast South America (ECSA) service to and from the US & Mexican Gulf, effective from the first week of July.  MSC’s current Amazon Service (Gulf to ECSA) and our US Gulf feeder service will be replaced with the following services:

Gulf to ECSA String I
Deploying 7 x 5,500 TEU vessels between them, MSC and Hamburg Süd will make the roundtrip from US/MEX Gulf to Brazil via Panama & Colombia in 49 days.

Gulf to ECSA String II
It will take just 56 days for MSC to make the roundtrip from US/MEX Gulf to Argentina/Uruguay & Brazil ports in collaboration with Hapag Lloyd and NYK, deploying 8 x 5,500 TEU vessels.

“Thanks to the new direct connections and increased port coverage our customers will benefit from significantly reduced transit times from US & Mexican Gulf to Brazil as well as a direct service to Argentina & Uruguay from the Gulf compared to the previous Amazon Service,” explains Alfonso Fusillo, Senior VP at MSC, “This improved service now offers full coverage of all ECSA ports.”

Service Highlights:

  • New direct connections from/to Gulf to Argentina & Uruguay
  • New direct Brazilian ports from/to Gulf (Itapoa, Salvador, Suape)
  • Significantly reduced transit time from Gulf to Brazil versus previous Amazon Service
  • New Direct service to Cartagena from ECSA
  • Full coverage of all ECSA ports