Update Asia to The US And Canada Network – Additional Blank Sailings

As part of our structural changes and omissions on our Transpacific network, MSC would like to inform you about additional blank sailings on our Maple service during week 19 to rationalize capacity supply from Asia to the US and Canada.

A contingency plan will be in place allowing to continue to place your bookings with limited disruption to your cargo flow with alternatives services.


Maple service
Blanking vessel MSC PEGASUS voyage 019N, ETS 8/05/2020 which rotates as follow:
Nansha – Yantian – Shanghai – Busan – Yokohama – Prince Rupert - Vancouver

Both Yokohama and Prince Rupert shall be induced to our Eagle vessel Northern Jasper to cover for the Japan cargo and a Prince Rupert discharge.


Maple service
Blanking vessel SM PEGASUS voyage 022S, ETS 28/05/2020 which rotates as follow:
Prince Rupert – Vancouver – Nansha – Yantian – Shanghai - Busan

For further details concerning sailings and arrival dates, please contact your local MSC sales representative.