
Connecting Cyprus to the world

MSC has been helping customers to ship cargo to and from Cyprus since 2003 with weekly worldwide services.

Contact our  team to request a quote, book or find out more about our local services

현지 사무소 정보

Detention, demurrage, Per Diem and storage charges

What is demurrage?
Demurrage is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, inside the terminal for the use of the land.

To find out more about detention, demurrage, Per Diem and storage charges, contact our team

SOLAS VGM information

What is VGM? 
- Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified. 
- In line with SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea) regulations, all marine terminals in Cyprus are now allowed to use their certified scales to record Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of shipments. 
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions? 
You must include the following on all VGM instructions:  
- Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number  
- Container number  
- VGM + weight measurement unit (lbs. or kgs.)  
- Responsible Party Name  
- Digital signature of the authorized signatory in all CAPITAL LETTERS. 

How can I submit my VGM instructions? 
- myMSC (Free of Charge)  
- Manually (via INTTRA)  
- Email: (note: the email will only be monitored for VGM declarations) 

 Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions 
- MSC prefers to receive a Shipper-Verified Gross Mass (VGM) before cargo is delivered. This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges being levied against the cargo at the Limassol Port of Loading, which will be billed to the Shipper of Record. 
- Any Shipper of Record-signed VGM will override any VGM derived at or by the terminal. 
- For truck delivery VGM needed prior container gate in to terminal.  
-Cut of 24 hour prior arrival. 

MSC admin fees and costs  
- Manual VGM Submission Fee (applies to email and inclusion on standard shipping instructions): 35 Euro per container.  

Questions about VGM? 
Contact our MSC Cyprus team

Prohibited cargo

It is illegal to bring the following items into or out of Cyprus. 

- narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and other controlled  pharmaceuticals; 
- obscene matters and objects, such as videocassettes, DVD’s,  films, books, magazines etc.
- flick knives and daggers
- counterfeit and pirated goods
- nuclear, chemical, toxic, biological weapons and similar  substances
- goods used for illegal hunting of game
- counterfeit bank notes
- firearms and weapons other than firearms, such as military  explosive devices and projectile launchers, automatic firearms, ammunition, long-barrel semi-automatic or repeating firearms in accordance with the First Annex of the “Firearms and Weapons Other Than Firearms Law”  no. 113(I) of 2004
- goods shipped or originating from countries under an embargo from the United Nations Security Council and the European Union, such as Iraq, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan. 

View the full list of prohibited and restricted goods here.

- all items the importation of which is prohibited (please see above)
- goods included in the “Defence (Exportation of Goods) Order of 1999

Hazardous Cargo

According to Cyprus Port Authority Regulations Hazardous Containers with IMO Class 3, 4, 8, 9, can remain in the terminal for a maximum duration of 10 days. 

Please find below additional list of Hazardous Chemicals issued by the competent Department of the said Ministry for DIRECT DELIVERY from the Limassol Container Terminal of port of Limassol with effect as from 1st July, 2021. 

 A/A  Chemical Hazards IMDG Category   Substance/Product
 1  Flammable gases  2.1  Hydrogen, UN1049 Acetylene, UN 1001
 2  Toxic gases  2.3

 Chlorine UN1017

Anhydrous Ammonia UN 1005

 3  Oxidising substances and organic peroxides  5.1 and 5.2  Calcium hypochlorite UN 2880, UN 1748, UN 3487
 4  Toxic substances  6  Hydrazine, UN 3293, Toluene diisocyanate, UN 2078, Sodium cyanide, UN 1689

Additional Information

Seals on containers are compulsory and must be reported on manifest and B/L. In case a container landed with a different seal or without seal, we must pay Customs duty on short landed goods value. 

Second hand motor car can not be accepted if is over 5 years old from the date of manufacturing. 

Are excepted from above Regulation second hand motor car Registered in EU Countries and belong to EU Citizens. 

Customs Authorities request for all Imported Vehicles following info to show in the cargo manifest:
- kind of vehicle : ( bus , truck, saloon or van ) 
- brand : (e.g. BMW) 
- Registration Number 
- Complete Chassis Number 

컨테이너 무게 측량 (VGM)

모든 MSC 지역 사무소는 SOLAS(국제해상인명안전협약) 규정에 따라 컨테이너 중량(검증된 총 중량 또는 VGM)을 기록하고 검증하기 위해 인증된 척도를 제공합니다. VGM 지침은 안전을 위해 모든 선적에 필수적이며 선박 운영자는 컨테이너의 중량이 적절하게 확인된 경우에만 적재할 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보 및 지원이 필요하면 현지 MSC 팀에 문의하세요.


Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.
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